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Green Range

The Green Range, as depicted on a map of Aranna

The Green Range is a mountain range on the continent of Aranna that marks the southeastern border of the The Aranoi Desert. The mountains dominate northern Ehb, where they collide with the imposing Frostspire Mountain. Known for its lush landscapes, dense forests, and rolling hills, the Green Range offer a contrast to the more arid and rugged terrains found in other parts of the continent.

The Droog inhabited the Green Range for centuries, but following the Green Range Conflict in 604, they were driven from the region by colonists from the Empire of Stars, and forced into the Cliffs of Fire to the south.

Many of Ehb's notable landmarks, including Glitterdelve, Glacern, Fedwyrr's Way, Fortress Kroth, and the Dark Forest, are located within the bounds of the Green Range.


The Green Ranges are characterized by expansive forests, meandering rivers, and gentle hills. The region's fertile land and favorable climate contribute to its vibrant greenery, creating a haven for diverse flora and fauna.

Coastal Features and Maritime Challenges[]

To the southeast of the Green Ranges lies the expansive Agallan Ocean. This vast body of water serves as a vital maritime route, connecting coastal settlements along the Green Ranges with regions such as the Northern Reaches, Agallan Peaks, Plain of Tears, Gonsiir, and Greilyn Isle. Coastal towns, including Frostwatch Harbor, Seaward Outpost, Tidecaller's Haven, and Wavecrest Settlement, thrive on maritime trade and cultural exchange facilitated by the Agallan Ocean.

Forests and Woodlands[]

The heart of the Green Ranges is adorned with dense forests and woodlands, creating a rich tapestry of green hues. These wooded areas are home to a variety of plant and animal species, forming a delicate and balanced ecosystem.

Rivers and Lakes[]

Numerous rivers and lakes crisscross the Green Ranges, providing freshwater sources and contributing to the region's overall biodiversity. The flowing waters enhance the scenic beauty of the landscape and serve as essential resources for both wildlife and inhabitants.

Flora and Fauna[]

The Green Ranges boast a diverse array of plant and animal life. From towering ancient trees to elusive wildlife, the region supports a delicate ecological balance. The harmonious coexistence of various species contributes to the natural beauty of the area.

Human Settlements[]

Scattered throughout the Green Ranges are human settlements that have embraced the natural beauty of the region. Villages and towns nestled within the greenery often engage in activities such as farming, forestry, and trade, sustaining their communities with the abundant resources of the region.


Cultural Significance[]

The Green Ranges hold cultural significance for the inhabitants of Aranna. The region's natural beauty, resources, and the unique challenges it presents have shaped the traditions, folklore, and way of life of those who call it home.

Points of Interest[]

Verdant Glades[]

Elven Enclave[]

Crystal Clear Lake[]

Ancient Grove[]

Challenges and Dangers[]

While the Green Ranges exude tranquility, they are not without challenges. The dense forests may conceal hidden dangers, and the region's beauty can mask potential threats. Wildlife, natural phenomena, and the occasional bandit presence pose challenges to both travelers and settlers.

Agallan Ocean and Regional Connections[]

The Agallan Ocean acts as a unifying element, connecting the Green Ranges with the broader northern territories of Aranna. Understanding the ocean's role in the geography of the Green Ranges provides insights into the region's interconnectedness with other significant landmarks and territories.




